HomeHow to Study for Anatomy and Physiology10 Tips for How to Learn Anatomy & Physiology


10 Tips for How to Learn Anatomy & Physiology — 38 Comments

  1. sofoniyas on said:

    veeeeeeeeeeeeeeery,veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeery nice.

  2. Great tips! I am taking an accelerated course in A&P I. It helps to have your syllabus handy. It’s basically a step above the instructor since you’ll known what and when to read up on.

    • Margaret Reece, PhD on said:

      Hi Kara. I am glad you are keeping your syllabus handy. It really does help schedule a student’s time.

      • Dear Dr.Reece,
        i understood your most important notes. Sometime I read the whole day but when I attend the class nothing turn on my mind. now it’s a bit Ok.

  3. First timer for me learning A&P for sure i will take on these tips. Nerves are kickn in!!!!

  4. Thank you!!! I appreciate what you’ve done here so very, very much!

  5. ….its very good idea i lyked it from HMC

  6. Dorathy Dang on said:

    The tip about showing notes to the professor was so brilliant! Because there’s just so much material to go through and he doesn’t cover everything so getting a feel for what he really wants us to know is probably the most important. Thanks so much for this post, it really helped.

  7. Betsey B on said:

    I appreciate you taking the time to give so many great resources to those of us aiming to get as much out of our A & P course(s) as possible.

    I’m very confident about my comprehension of anatomy so far, but my physiology textbook assumes I have a background in chemistry. I’m going to try and find a crash course in the basics so that I better understand the chemical makeup, and not just memorize them to pass my exams.

    Again, thank you so much!


    • Margaret Reece, PhD on said:

      Hello Betsey. Many students have trouble with the chemistry of physiology. That is why I wrote the book “Physiology: Custom-Designed Chemistry” [https://booklaunch.io/mr-2907/551054c79becfd440f47b45e] This short book has all the chemistry you need to get off to a good start in physiology. If you have a Prime account at Amazon you can read the Kindle version for free. Best wishes for great success with your course in A&P.

  8. Aurelia on said:

    Good suggestions but i am having difficulty in understanding concepts. Help me!

    • Margaret Reece, PhD on said:

      Tell where you are stuck. Is it a particular system that is a problem?

  9. shubham agrawal on said:

    Good suggestion but i having difficulty in understanding in anatomy plzz clear my concept plzz help me…..

  10. vinayaka reddy on said:

    I have difficulty in understanding and interrelating the concepts in physiology much of the time i feel difficult to answer my professor question so guide me the way to approach the subject

    • Margaret Reece, PhD on said:

      I am not sure where you are in your physiology course right now. Send me an email at DrReece@MedicalScienceNavigator.com and we can discuss where you are having specific problems more fully. In general, physiology is regulated by 3 master control systems that interact with each other – the nervous system, the cardiovascular system and the endocrine system. When something changes in one of these master systems the other two must respond in some way because they are tightly linked with one another. This makes physiology harder to study than anatomy where each system such as bones and muscles is studied separately.

  11. soffie on said:

    hi dr reese i have the hardest time remembering the name on any structures do you have any easy way or any ideas.

    • Margaret Reece, PhD on said:

      The names are all Latin and Greek derivatives. Look up the word in a collegiate dictionary. It will tell you the original meaning of the root words and help you translate them into something you find familiar. Also try translate.google.com for the pronunciation. It is easier to remember words you can pronounce. Best of luck with you studies.

  12. Hi! Great article! I also found a page that was very helpful for me when learning anatomy – https://practiceanatomy.com/
    Give it a try, I hope it will help!
    Good luck with exams and anatomy!

    • Margaret Reece, PhD on said:

      Thanks for the link. I will check it out.

  13. Gyanendra Nanda on said:

    Ma’m, I m preparing for my final exams in anatomy, physiology and biochemistry. The course is so vast and such an headache. please figure me out to help me out in my last minute preparations

    • Margaret Reece, PhD on said:

      That is a lot to be studying all at once. My suggestions are: for anatomy study the largest muscles well including their nerves and blood vessels, for biochemistry focus on the metabolic pathways for glucose, aerobic and anaerobic, and for lipids including the citric acid cycle, for physiology remember everything depends upon the interaction of the 3 master controllers, nervous, cardiovascular and endocrine system. Each organ system has some sort of regulation by the nervous system, the cardiovascular system and the endocrine system. Nervous effects will be very fast, cardiovascular moment to moment and endocrine effects will be long term. Review system by system and think about how each master controller contributes to its function. Best of luck with your studies and exams. Please write again to tell me how it goes.

  14. I’m a beginner in medical school and the tips were very helpful because i was feeling pressured and i didn’t know where to start.I’ll definately share this with my friends.

  15. Lauren Ferreira on said:

    Hi Dr. Reece. Thank you for your generous tips. Do you have any resource recommendations for a pre-A&P crash course? I just found out I need to take a year-long series starting in 3 weeks and haven’t taken it in nearly a decade (and this will be a more in-depth and rigorous course). What can I do to prepare? Thank you for any help you can provide.

    • Margaret Reece, PhD on said:

      Lauren you can find my free strategy blueprint for A&P at https://www.medicalsciencenavigator.com/OptimizedPress/apoptin/. It comes with a free email course over 3 weeks with information about how to approach exams and links to other helpful material I have found on the web. Because physiology taught in an order that follows the best way to teach anatomy in A&P courses, it is difficult for students. I offer an online course 30-Day Challenge: Craft Your Plan for Learning Physiology where students learn how human physiology is organized and how to best learn it in an A&P course setting. You can find more about that at https://www.medicalsciencenavigator.com/OptimizedPress/physiologyhelp.

  16. shanlonder bercier on said:

    Hello I’m currently taking A&P and I feel like i don’t know anything. can you give me any ideas on how to study to pass this class please.

    • Margaret Reece, PhD on said:

      Do not try to learn everything in your textbook. Follow you instructor’s lead. If there is a lecture on a topic, read about that topic in your text. If you do not get the idea, go to your instructor’s office hours for help. Teacher’s test what they talk about with students. If you can form a study group with other students, that is always a big help. It gives you a chance to hear the material you are reading as you try to explain it to each other. The brain remembers better what it hears than what it reads. Good luck. Send me an email if you get stuck at DrReece@MedicalScienceNavigator.com.

  17. Christry Reed on said:

    Very helpful information!!! Thank you

  18. Well, after going through all these tips, I have hope that I can actually learn and understand A&P if I follow the ten tips to learn Anatomy and 3 secrets to learn Physiology. I can tell I will need alot of help yes.

    • Margaret Reece, PhD on said:

      What you need most is time to review on a regular basis. The information is broken down into lectures but it is all linked. Take a few minutes each day to go back over notes from previous lectures and the whole picture will come together by the end of the course.

  19. i need help with biology explain how you will carry out a study on the physiology and anatomy of a named animal

    • Margaret Reece, PhD on said:

      First you need a testable hypothesis. Then it depends upon the animal proposed, where the animal is housed (research laboratory or zoo), the kind of research facilities available and rules in place.

  20. Pingback:anatomy and physiology for beginners - logindataworld

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